E is not nothing difficult not, my expensive Einstein. Au contraire. E nor gigantic will be necessary space. It is clearly that I am speaking here in planting one mini-horta of temperos, that beyond will decorate its kitchen, marries or apartment, go to give what to a more than special flavor to its adventures gourmets. Or you doubt that a direct rosemary of the foot is more flavorful of what that one that comes dry in packings? Therefore then. E if wants to know? I find a charm a kitchen with gardenings of temperos in the window. It decorates, of the life and still it is highly useful. A time I decide that you will have one mini-horta in house, I will choose the temperos that more use or like and order to see. We go to how it to you and regrinhas general: • It looks to an area in its AP or house that catches sun at some moment of the day. If it will not have nothing of the type, then that it leaves at least in some place that receives clarity, therefore hortinha goes to adore. • I will choose the gardenings that have more to see with you and the decoration of its house. It has of some types and materials, also of plastic that are excellent. E has that to hold one 20 cm of height of adubada land (without being of the chemical type), what it is very not. • Mudinhas in a trustworthy supplier buys its and plants. • In the hour that will be to plant, it respects the espaçamento of each one (it asks optimum where to buy mudinhas of its), therefore each type will need one definitive space to grow and to appear better. • It always waters. It places bases with water and never it has in mind that the land has that to be humid, never made marshy, senão drowns the coitadas ones. Simplezinho not? E is same. If to take care of of them, they will grow fast e faceiras. E the flavor of its food will suffer super upgrade. This I guarantee!
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