sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Plant in Small or large spaces

In small or great spaces, it sees as it is possible to have its proper plantation To eat vegetables and vegetables harvested in the hour is not privilege of who deferred payment in the interior. By the way, already it is not also of who deferred payment in houses and only has great spaces. With a little of creativity and care, it is possible to have its proper plantation in any place. Here, the secrets to cultivate one horta all its, since it does not have who resists the charm to show one of these in house. For who it likes to cook, to see all those lined up grass fresquinhas is an invitation to place the hand in the mass. I will choose the space to be used In great spaces, the ideal is to plant its horta in places as gardens, that they do not need to be great. According to engineer agronomist Alexander Fabbri, seedbeds with two meters of length for a meter of width are proportional. To form the seedbeds, you it can surround it with apparent bricks or place pedriscos between them. For small areas, the cement gardenings more are adjusted. The ideal models are those with minimum depth and width of 30 cm and capable to drain the water excess. Thus you prevent the moistness excess that can apodrecer the roots. In general, hortas can be made in any place, of small vases the great seedbeds. What dumb they are the species to be used. It more confers below the indicated species for each space. Great spaces (hortas of small farms, gardens) Abobrinha, rosemary, aubergin, boldo, brócolos, chicory, borecole, cauliflower, pea-pie, spinach, melissa, maize, pepper, gumbo, cabbage, salsão, sálvia, tomatoe and string bean. Small spaces (varandas of apartment, yards of house) Watercress, lettuce, will almeirão, beetroot, capim-lemon, chive, carrot, coentro, endro, estragão, mint, basil, manjerona, orégão, radish, rúcula, salsinha and thyme. It makes the planning The first step in the hour to mount one horta is to choose the place correcto, that it must plain or lightly be inclined. One certifys of that this place will be displayed to the sun, therefore local shady do not allow the adequate development of vegetables. In apartments, this place can be varanda or the service area. As the step is the creation of plantation seedbeds, where if it must prepare the ground with a vegetal land part, a sand part and a seasoning part or esterco. The ideal depth for the seedbeds is of at least 30 cm, so that if it has a good enraizamento of the plants. It has in mind which species goes to use. In the same vase, you it can plant up to two species, since that the characteristics of them are seemed. Also it is important to observe in the distance between them. Basil and coentro, for example, can the same be planted in vase, to a distance of 30cm one of the other. The two must be planted in ground average, that is, nor arenaceous, nor argillaceous. Orégão and manjerona also can the same occupy vase, since that they are distant 30cm and they are planted in ground arenaceous. It prepares the place Some efficient way elaborates to drain the water, therefore hortas needs to be watered constantly (two times per day in the summer and a time per day in the winter), but cannot be made marshy. If to opt to planting in a vase, I will choose the ones that have punctures in the part of low, or pierce them you yourselves. Hortas vigorous grows in rich ground in organic substance with nutrients and pH neutral. Therefore, choice well the land that goes to use e, if to prefer, prepares it with seasoning. Some lands already are prepared and adubadas. If to prefer, still can apply a ground conditioner in the land. These products can be interesting, because beyond supplying organic substance, actuam in the reorganization of the ground and its nutrients. I will choose the seeds According to engineer agronomist, the plantation can be made in two ways. One of them, more delayed, is through the application directa of the seed in the ground, that functions for vegetables as carrot and beetroot, for example. To another one it is through changes, more practical, as in the case of the lettuce and escarola. It makes a hole in the land of more or less 1cm of depth, where the roots can grow, and places the dumb one. Later, it covers with land and it presses in return to exhaust the bolsões of air. Now it is alone to wait to grow. It takes care of of its horta well The maintenance of hortas is very easy. The only indispensable care is to water it daily vegetal cultivated them not to lose the vigor. If to prefer, will be able to season the land with small amounts of mineral seasoning or another type of its preference, always following the instructions of the manufacturer. When they to start to die or to lose the vitality, the ideal are to recommence planting

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