To cultivate foods in house gains impulse with interest for organic M2 imagines a space of 10. It seems little? Therefore this is the necessary area so that a person if becomes self-sufficient in the production of vegetables and vegetables. To bank agriculturist and to cultivate lettuces, eggplants and same fruits in varanda of apartment or in garden of house is activity that received a new impulse with the increase from the interest for the organic products, that are produced without agrotóxicos, but still costs well more than planted foods of traditional form. " We have about 500 customers in the capital, and almost all have one horta" , it says. Also it has people, that they decide to on account give to beginning to the miniplantation and risk. " I was to the Ceagesp, I asked for tips to the salesmen and started plantar" , it counts, who gave to beginning its " cantinho orgânico" , as she says, in December of the last year. She started planting in the yard of the house, the Morumbi (south zone of São Paulo), basil, chive, mint, tomatoe-cherry, Rome, mexerica and pepper. Shortly afterwards, she discovered a foot of common tomatoe --she was the cook who, empolgada with the idea of horta, planted on account proper. She did not delay so that the driver of the family decided to plant a pineapple foot. " Horta is almost comunitária" , the promoter of events plays. Already in the case of it is that she was occupying, with its horta, communitarian spaces. Inhabitant of an apartment of two rooms in the River, it possesss a Bonsai of jabuticaba and also she is cultivating miniatured sleeve trees, orange and tangerina, beyond pepper, chive, salsinha, arruda, rosemary and guaco. When the space in the apartment if became insufficient, Yoko started to occupy an area of the building where deferred payment. Later, it started to cultivate in the small farm of a friend, cassava-yellow, sleeve, lemon-rose, lemon-China, avocado, chestnut, date, carrot, beetroot and chili. To make use of more space, it decided to change itself for a condominium in Great Vargem , where it intends to plant species still more. " Who plant to vender has haste and of the nutrients in excess for the vegetable, so that it grows quickly. Already between the organic ones that they are vendidos in the markets, I see that many harvest the plant when it still is very young. For me, 30% are only really good. When people cultivate in house, the flavor are completely different, well more concentrado" , she says. Who search really to run away from agrotóxicos, integrates the program of urban agriculture , affirms that the indicated foods more are the strawberry, the tomatoe and batatinha, that they costumam to receive a very great amount from agricultural defensives in the traditional culture. Nor everything is flowers, however, in the culture caretaker. The products, even so generally are fibrosos and with accented flavor more that of the conventionals, also can suffer a reduction from size of up to 20%, according to , technician " The plant is lesser from what the cultivated ones of the form established in the memorandum of understanding therefore do not receive seasoning chemical, that makes the plant to grow faster. A lettuce grows between 20 and 30 days, with chemical seasoning. In a organic plantation, the leaf grows more slowly, is most structuralized, what it accents the flavor. The tomatoe does not go to be redondinho as of feira" , it informs responsible biologist and for horta , that offers to courses for the culture of vegetables and vegetables in house. Moreover, the fact of them to be bred in urban environment does not hinder the proliferation of plagues, as fungo oídio, the pulgão and cochonilha. To fight the first one, a solution caretaker is to mix of 50 ml the 200 ml of milk in one liter of water and to spray the mixture in the plant.
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