sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

What I can plant in a small apartment?

It never has space of less for the life, any cantinho aired that it receives, the least, 4 hours of light per day can turn a seedbed - it is alone to know to choose what to plant in it. “When the available space for the plantation is very small e is used receiving with about 15 cm of depth, must be chosen temperos and vegetables”, affirms Claudenir Mariano Da Silva, specialist in organic horticulture and professor of the Horta Model of the Park Chico Mendes in Osasco. It explains that, in these conditions, he is not possible plantar vegetables and roots, that they need more depth. Two feet of chive, good option for vases But place for a bigger vase with depth will be had of, at least 25 cm, is possible to cultivate some vegetables, as beetroot, onion, turnip and cucumber; already in containers with depth from 30 cm, carrot, chuchu, cauliflower, chili and tomatoe go well, as it indicates cartilha of the course of jardinagem of the Secretariat of the Green and the Environment of São Paulo. “And if you will be able to have a vase of 50 cm of diameter and 50 of depth, can plant some fruits, as orange, Rome and jabuticaba”, say Claudenir. Also he is possible plantar some fruits in lesser containers, but as bonsais organic. In a common gardening, of about 40 cm of length, they fit up to three types of temperos, as parsley coentro and chive, or three feet of lettuce. However, not to need to buy vases, the horticultor of a tip of planting in a lying bottle pet of 2 liters - it is enough to cut one of its laterals, that will be the “mouth” of the vase, and to make some punctures in the other, that will be its base. There two types of temperos fit or a lettuce foot. Seeds of smooth lettuce Way to make To start organic its horta of leves and temperos, you goes to need only the seeds that to choose, how many receiving to want (bottles pet, vases, gardenings, caixotes wooden or until old buckets), prepared land and some material for draining, as gravel and sand. “I do not recommend the adubada land purchase, education my pupils to give life to the land that will be to the disposal”, Claudenir counts. “To make this it is very simple, it is enough to mix organic composition (fact from the compostagem of organic food remaining portions) or humos of earthworm to a land `morta' of abrupt declivity”, says. “Had to the limited volume of the vase, the ground of the container must be rich in nutrients and also sufficiently porous, therefore, with the time, it leads to one high concentration of roots, demanding one raised oxygen suppliment and a fast carbonic gas removal”, explains cartilha of the city hall. To initiate the plantation, first, it covers the deep one of the container with the material for draining. After that, it fulls the remaining space with prepared land. It makes a well flat hole (or how many to fit, to a distance of, at least, 10 cm one of the other), it places some seeds, it covers them with a bit of land and makes the first irrigation. These changes of lettuce will be replantadas in a bigger land. If they will be to grow in the gardening, plants only 3 or 4 spaced changes To know when to water is intuitivo of what many imagine: it waters when to notice that the land starts to dry, preventing the water excess and keeping the ground always humid - over all, for the lettuce, that demands water sufficiently. Soon, now horta is alone to follow the growth of its

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