sábado, 11 de junho de 2011

Cultivate biological foods

To learn to cultivate biological foods he is our new projecto. In the last sunday I ordered an email to the chamber of Bristol, saying that it was interested in cultivating biological foods and that would like to receive information on the lease hortas. In the friday I received the reply, suggesting that it entered here in contact with the coordinator of a small farm close. Thus I made and today of morning I was to visit the land. As always, I took the photographic machine! One of the first parcels that vi were this, where it goes to be construido, for all, a lake, for all. This goes to be mine " vizinho" of the side. In it I sing inferior of the right side can see cantinho of the container for the compostagem (she opens a notebook of support to the professor on biological domestic compostagem and hortas). E is here: " meu" land small piece to cultivate, with one " house-of-bath biológica" to deep and an annex where to the tools or agricultural utensils are kept. Now the challenge is to thus transform it into any thing. It has 15 months, this land parcel was completely wild. Now she is full of strawberries, garlic, borecoles, lettuces, potatoes, tomatoe, etc. In the center is a hen house where they live about 10 hens; they put 8 or 9 eggs per day. E is the orchard with apple trees and small tables for picnics here. The orchard is for all. The small farm is divided in 72 parcels; the number includes the areas common, as the future lake and the orchard. I had luck because it seems that now already it only has a parcel to rent. I find that the others already are all busy ones. Some parcels, as this, more is cultivated of what others. It has people that they rent but later if calhar they do not have free time to be dedicated to this. Others more are organisadas and go making its experiences. Projecto has an association which I go myself to join. The advantages are several: 50% of discounting in the seeds, social access the equipment and materials, library, events, etc. and us we go to need all the possible aid because we do not perceive nothing of this! But to make it is that if it learns therefore the important one is to put the hands in the mass… that is, in the land! This way to recoup green spaces in the cities already arrived . I read in the Internet that some autarchies are associates the projectos of this type to help to revitalize the urban nature. E will have been interested but they will not have access to a land, can always make one horta in varanda, especially in much sun!

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