Horta Caseia One horta can be a perfect addition to its landscape. The organic culture of its vegetables assures a healthful production and you it saves in the high prices of vegetables cultivated organicly in would mercearia. When thinking about as to initiate one horta, the first thing is the election of the seeds and the place. • Horta in a sunny place makes its and starts to cultivate food of the spring at the beginning. It continues planting during the summer in order to soon have something cool and always flavorful for spoon. • It makes horta next to the kitchen. Of this form it will be easy to leave and spoon some things that you need and you also will be able to watch its horta for the window. The harvest of the tomatoes must be made later that they are red, this is the best form to guarantee that they are in the point. • It humidifies the seeds so that they germinate more fast. Before germinating, the seeds need to be humid, as rains had been received from spring. As soon as they become swelled and gordinhas, the small embryo inside of them starts to grow. Seeds as broccolis, cabbage and rúcula use the humidity efficiently and quickly germinate without the necessity to humidify before. However, the vegetables of germination slower as the seeds of parsley and turnip are benefited of the umedecimento. It humidifies the seeds with water to the ambient temperature during some hours or the night all, however if it does not forget them. It drains and it plants them immediately. • It uses full water tents in return of vegetables just planted to protect them of the cold. You can buy cheap plastic leves of hardwired pipes that, when full of water, they form walls auto-portantes in return of the catch-crops. The transparent walls allow that to the sun reach the plants while the warm water for the sun remains morna during the night. • Instead of planting directly in horta, it starts with great changes cultivated in the window or bought in fisheries to get resulted faster, mainly in places of more cold climate. This strategy functions very well with fragile vegetables as tomatoes for salada and pepper-malagueta, that delay to ripen and are sensible to the cold. It looks to changes cultivated in great containers (it verifies if it has a strong set of roots and developed well) with healthful green leves and strong constitution. It prevents fine and supergrown changes. It remembers that nor all the changes need to be transplantadas. Cucumbers, morangas, abobrinhas, pumpkins and cabaças are developed better when planted directly or from young changes planted carefully to minimize damages to the roots. • It plants long changes deeper (until the first set of leves) to supply a good start to the outdoors. The planted changes inside of house or in full greenhouses (local with insufficient illumination) can develop caules weak, barren that they will go to tumble in the garden. Since that they grow from only caule (instead of a set of leves) and are planted in one ground drained well, the dumbs can be submerged a little more deeply to supply more support. For flexible changes of caules as the tomatoes, it is better to use horizontal ditches instead of vertical lines. He is warmer and it better has ventilation of what in ground deeper, encouraging to a good growth of the roots and faster development. • The cardboard coil keeps the lizards moved away from the changes using of the coils of hygienical paper. The lizards, that are lizards of butterflies, crawl for the surface of the ground, eating the bases tenras of caules of young changes e cutting the sprouts in the roots. After to plant, places a cardboard pipe of 7,5 cm of length in return of the dumb one. It pressures the pipe for low until it is embedded half, hindering of this form the underground attacks. As soon as the dumb one will have grown, you can remove the cardboard. • It tears the upper/lower part of the containers of turf when planting its vegetables. These containers, that must be degraded when submerged in the ground, nor always if break during the first year where they are planted. This makes with that the roots are imprisoned in its interior. To get worse the situation still more, if the edge of the turf to be above of the surface of the ground, it can dry and steal humidity of the ground and the roots to its return. The problems with the containers of turf can be decided with easiness tearing the upper/lower part of the container before planting. This aid to eliminate the danger to dry and in to the roots a way to escape if the container if not to degrade. • It plants in the vertical line to save space. Instead of leaving beanses, cucumbers, cantaloupses and morangas if esparramarem in the land, you can leave that they go up for a treliça or a caramanchão. • It adds to height to horta with a tent covered with trepadeiras of beanses and peas. This economizer of space functions in similar way to a treliça, however he has a different appearance. It makes the tent with six or eight moored poles of 1,80 of height in the tip. It plants beanses, beans-of-rasp or peas in return of each pole and they will go to roll themselves until the top. • It places in the lateral of the plants of long production as tomatoes, eggplants and peppers, a well balanced fertilizer to keep producing them. After the first harvest, spreads granulated fertilizer in return of the plants, later it digs the land of light and it waters well. The extra nutrients can encourage to the growth of new flowers and the development of the fruits after this. • It uses periodical covered with straw enters the rows of horta to eliminate harmful grass and to hold back humidity. This dynamic pair functions better of what each one separately. In the end of the culture station, it digs the paper and the straw in the ground to degrade. • It plants cantaloupses and cucumbers in the stack of composition. They can grow of any form if you to play the fruits in the stack in the autumn there. Rich composites in nutrients, humidity and heat seem to have optimum effect in the trepadeiras of cantaloups and cucumber. • It extends the station of harvest in the autumn with cultures of cabbage, borecole of Brussels and broccolis with a straw layer. Although it has never been in fashion, the straw conserves the heat efficiently. It places packs or stacks of straw in return of the plants, leaving the opened south side for the sun. Treated in such a way, these of course resistant plants to the cold can remain in good conditions in the end of the same autumn or in the winter in amenos climates. Beanses The beanses do not tolerate cold. If you chose the type of trepadeira, you she can roll them for top in tents and pérgulas to get a beautiful garden. The beanses of the Scarlet type to runner have pretty flowers and eatable beanses, the beanses of rope and rasp are favourite in all the places. Cucumbers and morangas You can find these dwarfed vegetables of the trepadeira type for treliças or formats that grow in vases or small spaces. The pumpkins need much more space and a bigger time of culture, then they can not be indicated for some gardeners. None of these plants tolerates cold. Eggplants With its purple flowers and its colored fruits, the eggplants are pretty in any garden. Fruits exist purple, white, striped and red with formats even though prolongated or round. The preferences of the eggplants are similar to the ones of peppers. Culture of lettuce, pepper and tomatoe It cultivates lettuce in the spring or autumn to have a delicious entrance of salada and adds directly to salada in the summer delicious peppers and tomatoes harvested of its horta. Lettuce The lettuce grows during the cold time in the spring or autumn. In places exactly pressed, it will produce leves that could be used, however the plants grow better when spaced. In seedbeds, one embroiders or lettuce underbrush has double function. The leves can be green or red, crespas or smooth, depending on the culture. It produces lettuce in the end of the autumn, winter and beginning of spring cultivating immune varieties to the cold as the Arctic King or North Pole and creating a place of culture sheltered for them: • seedbeds raised with strengthened floating coverings can supply to protection to the cold and light frosts of the beginning to the way of the spring and half it to the end it autumn, or same in the winter in amenos climates; • structures for cold, warm for the sun become possible to at the beginning cultivate lettuce of the spring and end of the same autumn or in the winter. The structures for cold are translucent rectangular boxes of approximately 60 cm of width, 1,20 m of length and 45 cm of height. The superior part possesss hinges to open in way that you can protect the plants inside or cool them in sunny days. It plants the seeds or changes of lettuce in the structure and closes the cover to keep the heat; • a hot seedbed, that is a structure for more advanced cold, is an excellent place for the winter lettuce. It installs a handle of heating under the structure for cold. It covers with wire screen to prevent damages to the handle and covers with a mixed sand layer with composition; • to extend the lettuce harvest, it removes leves biggest of the external part of the plant and leaves new internal leves to continue growing. When the spring climate starts to be hot, you needs to make the inverse one. Cut the entire plant before it starts to make the flower connecting rod (a called condition blockade) and is bitter; • it gets the double of harvest planting one horta of lettuce and tomatoe in a container of 45 the 60 cm of width. You can spoon the lettuce when it grow and leave an extra space for the tomatoes. He makes thus: he fulls the container with a humid mixture of 1/3 of comp
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